my screen printing

Finally having gotten started on my practice of screen printing, I feel pleased to be understanding the process and that I will achieve an amount of prints that I am satisfied with, allowing me time to experiment practically rather than just with ideas. Here are some prints of my first layer created with one of my cut out pieces of acetate, printed onto one of the backgrounds I made for a previous projects but I thought could be an interesting base to begin with. Also here is an image of the piece of acetate itself after being used.

20150107_121442 20150107_121453Here is my first layer of acetate after having printed my first layer of my pieces. As you can see the paint mixed with medium has resulted in a very smooth blocked colour that I was hoping to achieve.

20150107_12112720150107_121109Here are my pieces with my first layer, I am very happy with how they have turned out so far, the colours and shape have printed nice and clean with even colour throughout.

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