Where To Go Now

I have had some thoughts about working over the Easter break. I have felt rather anxious about where I can take my project without the certain resources provided at University (The print room). However after my tutorial with Roger on the Friday, I feel there are still areas I can explore and definitely work that can be done to prepare for what I may want to continue once I am back at Uni.
He liked certain pieces in particular I have recently made, and has encourage that I continue this way of working and the layout I have used. How the print image has been changed from simply turning it to vertical and making it not appear as an average landscape images of buildings- it becomes something completely different. As well as how the background again creates something different when it is alone compared to how it appears with the print layered on top.

The suggestion I was given by Roger was to perhaps focus more on my drawing itself, to then move forward in creating other woodcuts that could maybe hold more depth to the image. So my intention is to do plenty of observational drawings as I feel slightly out of practice, I will vary these drawings so as to not just focus on architecture as I have done. But to also try just drawing the everyday things around me, not only to keep me in practice, but I feel they would be a nice juxtaposition if I continued to use it within my work with prints and backgrounds.

There is an artist who I feel could be relevant to this next step, ‘Jeremy Duncan’s’ work is very architectural based but also has focus on shadows which I find very interesting . I have had a book of his work for years and its only seeming to be relevant to my own work. I also like that it is painting, which it incredible due to his levels of detail and line work, below are images from the book as well as a couple I found during research. jeremy duncan

jeremy duncan 2




I like how his work seems to transform what would be dull, everyday pieces of buildings into something really very striking and interesting and beautiful.

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